Cancellation Policy
- Cancellation requests will be accepted strictly within 12 hours of placing the order, ONLY in the case if your order is not yet shipped.
- Orders already Shipped cannot be cancelled.
- You email us at to cancel your order.
- Cancelation fee of 3% bank transaction charges will be deducted at the time of refund for cancelled orders incase of Debit/Credit card/NEFT, Wallet payments
- Cancellation fee of 8% will be deducted at the time of refund for cancelled orders paid via Paypal.
- Or a credit note for the full amount can be issued against the cancelled order which will be valid for 6 months.
- Orders placed during the time of any promotions / discounts cannot be be cancelled.
- There may be certain orders that we are unable to accept and must cancel.
- We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason.
- If your order is cancelled after your credit/debit card has been charged, the said amount will be reverted back to your card account. We will seek authorization on your card for the aggregate amount of the order placed by you; however, we may charge your card (capture) only with the amount corresponding to the actual portion of the order that we are able/willing to fulfil and any associated shipping charges/taxes and levies etc.